Blackjack Strategy Charts - Make Better Moves with Strategy Cards

General Strategy Guides: Blackjack Basic StrategyAvoiding Bad StrategiesStrategy ChartsBlackjack Values & Card Points Hard Hands: Basic Hard Hands StrategyHard 8 or lowerHard 9Hard 10Hard 11Hard 12Hard 13 to 16Hard 17 to 21 Soft Hands: Basic Soft Hands StrategySoft 13 to 14Soft 15 to 16Soft 17Soft 18Soft 19 to 21 Pairs: Basic Pairs StrategyAcestwosthreesfoursfivessixessevenseightsninestens

The strategy cards help new players learn basic strategy. There are a lot of moves to make and the cards display it in a simple fashion. Also, all the correct blackjack moves are printed right there so you have a quick guide to reference by in case you don’t remember something.

As said before, they are legal because it doesn’t improve your edge over the casino. The things that casinos don’t like to see is card counting. Someone who knows how to card count could actually use the charts to aid them. This would be the only reason a casino wouldn’t allow players to bring a blackjack strategy chart with them. Even card counting itself is supposed to be legal unless you are using an aid such as a mini-computer or something other than your head. That may include a strategy card as well. So if you are card counting, don’t get caught or else don’t use the chart while being caught!

Charts can easily be found online or can be bought in a hard laminated copy for a few bucks. If you are serious about learning some real strategy, I would recommend practicing blackjack at an online casino while using a strategy card in order to get the feel for it.

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